This is part 4 (and hopefully the last) in my series of "blog catchup entries." You can find part 3
We had a very nice -- and rather busy -- March! The girls seem to be growing faster each and every day. Here are a few of the highlights:
First women's basketball game
We went to our first women's basketball game early in the month. The girls had a good time, and we even won a free waffle cone thanks to me tweeting a cute picture of Kate and the girls!
The winning picture
Zoe & the cone
Grace testing it out
Fuzzy family portrait
A Visit to Maryland
Kate had a week off from work, so she and the girls made a (solo!) trip to Maryland to see Aunt Karen, Uncle Dave, Robyn, Zack, Nana, and Pop. I cannot seem to find the pictures, but they had a nice time -- and tried cheese for the first time! That was a big hit.
Turned 8 months!
Seriously: they are so big now!
More snow!
We had a lot of snow for March!
We even lost power for a while - not fun! Brr!
Met Grampa for dessert
Grampa had his gall bladded removed, so we didn't get to see as much of him. But he did meet us for dessert one day when we were in Harrisonburg!
Trip to Brightwood
While Mom had a much-needed spa day, the girls and I took a trip to Brightwood. We had a lot of fun seeing Aunt Peg, Uncle Len, Andy, Great Grampa, and Gram. The girls were worn out by all the attention!
Trips out to eat
We had a fun day in Harrisonburg and even went to Red Lobster!
We took a trip to Culpeper, and the girls went to Ledo Pizza for the first time (yum)!
Friday night at Which Wich
Lots of moving and rolling!
The girls truly started to move around this month! Grace practiced her "crawl" (mostly, she went backward) and Zoe used the "rolling method" to get where she needed to go.
Trip to meet the Easter Bunny
We went to see the Easter Bunny at the mall
This picture was taken shortly before Grace burst into tears.
First ride in the shopping cart
Grace took her first ride in the shopping cart. With Zoe in the Bjorn, it makes shopping much easier (than bringing along the double jogging stroller)!
First Easter
We celebrated Easter with family at Brightwood. It was a really nice day! The girls had fun dressing up.
"Hats" courtesy of Uncle Andy
Here are some of my other favorite photos. You can find all of the March photos0 here on flickr.
Love the blog catch-up. They are soooo cute, and it's great to see pics of them on the move. Wow. Your life must be so busy. :)