Sunday, April 14, 2013

First Trip to the Park

I forgot to mention in my March post that we went to the park on the very last day of the month! Grandma and Grampa came with us. It was a beautiful day, and we decided to go in the late afternoon. The girls were a little tired before we left, we thought -- apparently they were very tired, as they fell asleep on the car ride to the park. It's only a three-minute drive or so! Kate and I were quite amused. They were so exhausted that they didn't even wake up as we got them out of their car seats.

First trip to the swings!

First trip to the swings!

They both eventually woke up as we waited around for the swings. Zoe, however, was not too sure about this swing contraption and looked like she'd rather be asleep-- at least at first!

First trip to the swings!

She would eventually warm up a bit! Grace cried at first (much like Grace's reaction to any new thing), but then seemed to have quite a good time.

First trip to the swings!

First trip to the swings!

First trip to the swings!

Zoe perked up a bit. (Side note: she looks so much like my Mom as a baby in this picture - so funny!)
First trip to the swings!

Overall, we had a great time. Mostly, I cannot believe my little ones are big enough for parks and the swings! They are growing up so fast. We definitely want to check this park out again. It's just a few minutes from our house, and had a nice playground. I think it will be a fun thing as the girls get older!

First trip to the swings!


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