Monday, July 30, 2012

If There Was No You: Grace & Zoe Turn 2 Weeks Old

It is hard to believe that Grace and Zoe are two weeks old today! Where has time gone?

Here are the girls turning one week old, shortly before a trip to the pediatrician. We are happy to report that they are doing well and still gaining weight. No sign of jaundice last Monday! Zoe has another appointment tomorrow for a weight check, and we’re hoping she’s growing a lot! If so, they won’t have another appointment until they are one month old!

One week old…

Zoe & Grace: One Week Old

One week old!

Our first two weeks are going well. We have been home for over a week now, which has been wonderful. While everyone was so kind to us at the hospital, there is nothing like being home. I am enjoying being able to be up and around, with the ability to pick up the girls and contribute more! Imagine: a parent excited to have the ability to change diapers! We have been working hard to get the girls on a schedule, where they eat at least 8 times a day. While they are not always on board, it has been successful overall, and gives their two Type A parents some semblance of normalcy. For instance, right now, they are eating at 11 pm, 2 am, and 5 am, and sleeping fairly well between each feeding (** knock on wood ** ), so we are getting around 2 hours of sleep between each feeding. It doesn’t sound like much, but we will take it!

Since we were instructed to supplement the girls’ feeding with formula, we have a good routine down, with me starting by breastfeeding and Kate finishing up with a bottle. I’ve been lucky to pump enough that the girls are typically only eating formula at night – staves off the guilt a bit! It also gives each of us a chance to bond with each baby, which we really enjoy. We have our sleepy routine down pat – I think we can truly change diapers, feed, and prepare bottles in our sleep.

We are also lucky to have loving friends and family who have been amazing at helping us out. Our parents have stopped by for good chunks of time, allowing us to nap and shower. Never thought I’d see the day where my father folded my laundry! (A true sign that my life has changed – accepting such help!) My Mom has made us dinner and brings us lunch a couple of times a week, amongst many other tasks. Neighbors we barely know stopped by with a veritable feast. Another neighbor mowed our lawn. A friend did a major diaper and formula run for us… I’ve been floored by how generous everyone is and very touched. We are all very lucky, and we love seeing how loved our girls are! The girls have also met their younger cousins this week (still waiting on meeting the older boys). Aunt Karen, Pop, and Robyn stopped by last week for a visit, as did Aunt Mia, Uncle Robert, and Owen. Shockingly, so far, the kids aren’t too interested in each other, but we all know that will change eventually! Looking forward to some fun beach trips, cottage trips, and parties in the upcoming months and years!

I am also looking forward to being off medical restrictions, so we can move around more freely. We had been looking for a good day to take the girls for a walk around the neighborhood, but between the heat and various visitors, it took a while. Both Kate and I yearned for a little fresh air! We finally got our walk in on Sunday night.

Picture 590

We are also looking forward to the time when I’m able to go up and down the stairs freely, so we can start using our nursery bit by bit (and stop living in basically one room!). Poor Kate has the tedious task of fetching things from there – mainly clothes. I’m so ready to have free access to the girls’ wardrobe! Half the fun of having two little girls is dressing them up, right? ;) We are amazed to already see that clothes that fit the girls when they came home, particularly Gracie, are already too small – especially in length. She’s going to be a tall one! Even Zoe is starting to fill out some of her tiny onesies.

I will leave off with the girls’ two week pictures, along with a bunch of other pictures from the past two weeks.

Two Weeks: July 30th
Two weeks old

GZ One Week Old 080



Zoe & Grace
Zoe & Grace

Zoe & Grace

First Doctor Appointment (Z, G)
Zoe & Grace

They love their rock and play sleepers (Thanks Schroll aunts!)
Grace & Zoe

Little Zoe
Zoe, our rock star in training

tiny Zoe

Beautiful Zoe Katrina


Picture 571

Picture 543

Miss Grace



Sleepy Gracie

Picture 607

Picture 541

You can find more pictures of Grace and Zoe’s first two weeks here.


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